Islamic Republic of Iran

Type of officeAddressContactE-mailInternet
Embassy1143 Budapest, Stefánia út 97Tel: 279-2901, 279-2900

MonthDayNational holiday
February11.Anniversary of the Islamic Revolution

Display  results per page.

ResidentNameRankPositionPresentation of CredentialsSpouse
 H. E. Mr. Morteza MORADIANAmbassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 14/11/2023Mrs. Fatemeh MORADIAN
 Mr. Ali SALEMIFirst CounsellorEconomic Affairs Mrs. Mohaddeseh SALEMI
 Mr. Yousef ALI JAFARZADEHCounsellor, Consul  Somayeh ALI JAFARZADEH
 Mr. Mahdi KANGARLOUSecond SecretaryAdministrative Affairs Mrs. Mansoureh KANGARLOU
 Mr. Abdolreza SOLTANIThird CounsellorPublic Diplomacy Mrs. Fatemeh SOLTANI
 Mr. Hassan ARGIAttaché  Mrs. Zahra ARGI
 Mr. Mohammad Reza DOROSTI KHALEDIAssistant Attaché   
