Kingdom of Morocco

Type of officeAddressContactE-mailInternet
Embassy1122 Budapest, Gaál József út 6.Tel: 391-4310, Fax: 275-1437
Residence1121 Budapest, Eötvös út 17.Tel: 275-5562, Fax: 275-1437

MonthDayNational holiday
July30.Throne Day (accession of King Mohamed VI to the throne)

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ResidentNameRankPositionPresentation of CredentialsSpouse
 H. E. Ms. Karima KABBAJAmbassador Extraordinary and PlenipotentiaryHead of Representation23/11/2016Abdelillah BEN TALEB
 Ms. Siham KEMMOUMinister-CounsellorDeputy Head of Mission Mr. Jamal KASSIS
 Mr. Faical SOUISSIMinister-Counsellor  Farah ZNAIDI
 Mr. Youssef ILLARZGSecond Counsellor   
 Mr. Imad HAMADANISecond Counsellor  Mrs.Chaimaa GUEDDARI
 Ms. Salma AIT BELHADJFirst Secretary   
 Mr. Ali EL ALAOUIAttachéConsular Affairs Mrs. Zohra EL BAKKALI
 Mr. Hassan BOUTAJRITAttaché (Finance)Financial Affairs  
 Mr. Said BENZOUINEAttaché   
 Ilham EL BELKASMIAttaché   
 Maksi AZZADDINEAttaché   
