Republic of Korea

Type of officeAddressContactE-mailInternet
Embassy1062 Budapest, Andrássy út 109.Tel: 462-3080, Fax: 351-1182 ambassador's; nagyköveti titkárság: hun_secretary@mofa.go.kr
Residence1121 Budapest, Mátyás király út 14/C.Tel: 275-4784, Fax: 275-4361
Korea Trade Center (KOTRA)1123 Budapest, Alkotás u. 50., Alkotás Point B1 3. em.Tel: 488-0123, Fax: 488-0184,
Korean Cultural Center (Cultural Section of the Embassy)1023 Budapest, Frankel Leó út 30-34.36-1-550-0240 koreaikultura@gmail.com

MonthDayNational holiday
October3.National Holiday

Display  results per page.

ResidentNameRankPositionPresentation of CredentialsSpouse
 H. E. Mr. Kyu Dok HONGAmbassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 28/02/2023Mrs. Eun Joo LEE
 Mr. Sangwook KIMMinister-Counsellor   
 Ms. Hye Ryong YUFirst SecretaryDirector of the Cultural Centre  
 Mr. Jaemin KIMFirst Secretary  Yeongmi KIM
 Mr. Insu YOOThird Secretary  Seon Mi KIM
 Colonel Kyongihn JEONGDefence Attaché  Mrs. Sinja HWANG
 Mr. Jio KANGFirst Secretary   
 Mr. Hyunsoo IMThird SecretaryVice Consul Mrs. Minkyung RA
 Mr. Sung Hun LEEDirectorDirector of KOTRA Budapest  
