Republic of Argentina

Type of officeAddressContactE-mailInternet
Embassy1023 Budapest, Vérhalom u. 12-16. A.ép.Tel: 326-0492, 326-0493 Fax: 326-0491,
Residence1061 Budapest, Andrássy út 27. IV. em. 2.

MonthDayNational holiday
May25.Anniversary of the Revolution of May of 1810

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ResidentNameRankPositionPresentation of CredentialsSpouse
 H. E. Ms. María Lorena CAPRAAmbassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 14/11/2023 
 Mr. Ricardo Andrés VIGNOLOCounsellorDeputy Head of Mission Mrs. María Hilda MEIRA
 Mr. José QUINTANASecond SecretaryConsul  
