Swiss Confederation

Type of officeAddressContactE-mailInternet
Embassy1143 Budapest, Stefánia út 107.Tel: 460-7040, Fax: 384-9492,
Residence1143 Budapest, Stefánia út. 107.
Police and Customs Attaché's OfficeOtto-von-Bismarck-Allee 4A, 10557 Berlin, Deutschland+49 30 39040031 andre.pittet@ezv.admin.ch
Regional Consular Center ViennaPrinz Eugen-Strasse 9a, 1030 Wien, Austria+43 1 795 05

MonthDayNational holiday
August1.Anniversary of the Founding of the Swiss Confederation

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ResidentNameRankPositionPresentation of CredentialsSpouse
 H. E. Mr. Jean-Francois PAROZAmbassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 02/12/2020Mrs. Yulia GUSYNINA PAROZ
 Mr. Thomas Marc WIDMERFirst CounsellorDeputy Head of the Representation Rebeca Cristina RIVERA FLORES WIDMER
 Mr. Roland Louis PYTHONFirst Counsellor   
ViennaMs. Beatrice JAGER LOUISFirst SecretaryConsular Affairs  
BerlinMr. André Paul PITTETPolice Attaché   
 Ms. Marianne WYSSAttaché   
